

in Berlin

In the future, many tourists will choose THE BERLIN ORACLE and
the PATH OF VISIONARIES in the Friedrich Strasse as a starting- of- point for their sightseeing tour of the new Berlin.

In 2002, Germany's capital boasted 4.75 million hotel guests. Moreover, there were 68 million day-trip visitors, 7 million business-related stays and 28.5 million private overnight guests.

"I am convinced that this project - not only for the Mehringplatz but for the whole of the Friedrichstraße - will become a cultural starting point. One that tourists find exciting, and the people of Berlin as well."
Dr. Volker Hassemer, former “Partner of Berlin”

"There's no doubt that the Oracle will become a tourist attraction."
Financial Times Germany"

"The Friedrichstraße - already grand and buzzing in Berlin's Mitte - will finally be adorned with a representative entrance."
Berliner Morgenpost on the art project's planning


The History
The surroundings
The East
The West
The world oracle
The language of colour