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++49 - 30 - 25 29 46 88

Kunstwelt e.V. Berlin
Friedrichstraße 246
D - 10969 Berlin

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company :



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zipcode, City:



Telephone / Faximilia:






Yes, i want to support the art project  'The Berlin Oracle'.

Please mark!


I become a member of the 'Kunstwelt e.V.' npo. Membership fee EUR 99,- (reduced EUR 50,-).  The memberspip can be cacelled any time.


I become sponsor of the 'Kunstwelt e.V.' npo. I want to be mentioned in the official list of sponsorship. Please send a sponsor certification

(_ ) EUR 260,-.
(_ )
EUR 2600,- (ich werde dann als Ehrengast zu allen öffentlichen Veranstaltungen des Vereins eingeladen)


I want to support the work of 'Kunstwelt e.V.'
with a single donation EUR ___________

(_ ) Bitte senden Sie mir eine steuerlich abzugsfähige Spendenbescheinigung zu.


Place, Date: ________________________ Signature: X________________________________ 

(_ )

I tranfered  EUR ___________ on the folowing account:
'Kunstwelt e.V.' Kto.-Nr. 2677771 Commerzbank Berlin (BLZ 10040000)

(_ )

Ich lege einen entsprechenden Verrechnungsscheck bei.





Weitere Informationen und zusätzliche Möglichkeiten, den Verein zu unterstützen
(bitte ankreuzen/ausfüllen und der ersten Seite beilegen)

Your name:




(_ )

I like to help in realizing worlds first oracle in the heart of Berlin. Please invite me to the next  team meeting.


(_ )

I am interested in giving: lectures, seminaries …:





(_ )

Please send further informations:

(_ ) Sponsoring
(_) Path of visionaries

(_ ) others and suggestions :





(_ )

Please send invitation about the following events:

(_ ) exibitions/ performances/ theater
(_ ) Seminaries/ lectures
(_ ) Design competion (as: producer - artist - consultant)
(_ ) Salon
(_ ) Parties
(_ ) Opening event of The Berlin Oracle